What’s the holdup with EMV cards? We commented on Retail Wire

While we don’t have the least secure credit card system, we certainly do not have the most secure that is currently available and the real frustration is that, having mandated a fairly dramatic change to the process, we didn’t mandate the change to the best then-available method!  Read on…

Should plastic loyalty cards go digital?

No question about it! We’re moving away from the physical wallet and into the smartphone with everything we used to keep in our wallet, including our driver’s licenses. I wrote a white paper on the subject.  Read more of our comments!

Consumers go mobile to buy groceries online? You bet!

The actual ordering of groceries online will continue to be done from a desktop (home or office) or mobile (on the go) device. Special offers by the retailer to the customer will become more prevalent on mobile devices, with a “Buy” button or “Add To My Shopping List” button included with the personalized offer.   […]

RFID as electronic article surveillance (EAS)?

By Philip Lassner – Overheer Systems, division of ITL In this brief whitepaper, we highlight the benefits of RFID as an effective EAS (Electronic Article surveillance) device/technology. The traditional EAS model is ‘dumb’. In a traditional EAS security model, a security tag is affixed to an item. The item is authorized to leave the store […]